We know from Revelation 13 that the future beast of the tribulation, the antichrist and his right hand man known as the false prophet will establish a global economy and religion. Revelation 13 tells us the beast will receive a mortal wound and miraculously recover from it. The demonic duo will require a mark on the right hand or forehead of the global population. Without this mark buying and selling of goods and services will be impossible, refusing the mark will mean death.
I have often wondered how all these things could play out. How does one man force a large chunk of humanity to bow to his will and kill millions of people? How can he place an image of himself in the temple in Jerusalem and demand worship of that image? C.f. Daniel 9.27, Matthew 24.15.
How will he have the ability to find and control millions? How will he be able to kill, destroy, and decimate on a scale never before seen in human history? We know the power behind him will be Satan himself c.f. Revelation 13.1-2 but how can he orchestrate such deception, control, and murdering rampage on a world wide scale?
These are questions I have pondered most of my adult life. But now current technology is changing and advancing at a pace never seen before. I remember in the late 90s using a pay phone to call my wife while I was on duty.
Now 25-27 years later we have cell phones that are hand held computers. And then there is this modern technology called AI (Artificial Intelligence) which has the potential to do accomplish things only found in movies.
Which brings me to the point of this post. I recently came across an article at www.harbingersdaily.com titled, “Transhumanism: Globalists Promise To ‘Improve’ On God’s Design Of Man.” In that article the author cites Klaus Schwab who is the founder of the WEF (World Economic Forum).
Here are the opening paragraphs from the article:
“It (the title of the article) sounds like bad science fiction, but it is rapidly becoming reality. Some of the most powerful people on the planet think they are going to “upgrade” human beings — or at least some human beings — through genetic engineering and technological schemes such as “brain implants.” Yes, really. In fact, they are publicly touting alleged benefits, supposedly including eternal life, and even evolving into “gods.”
If that all sounds crazy or even diabolical — good, it should, because it is. And yet, the technologies to make some of these nightmarish visions possible are progressing so fast it would make your brain spin. In some cases, the tech already exists. Meanwhile, children around the world are being prepared to embrace it through public schools and “entertainment.”
World Economic Forum chief Klaus Schwab, the global frontman for the so-called “Great Reset,” has been celebrating it all for years as part of what he calls the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” In his book on the subject and in speeches, Schwab outlined a plan to merge people with computer technologies, brain implants, and even to genetically “improve” them.
“Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us — they will become part of us,” Schwab writes in his book Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a narrative that he has been peddling for almost a decade in speeches, articles, essays, and books. “Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves.”
“Today’s external devices — from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets — will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains,” he continues in the book. “These implantable devices will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals.”
Schwab, who oversees a sprawling organization bringing together political and business leaders from around the world, goes on to suggest that governments can and perhaps should mandate submission to such intrusive technology. “As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase,” adds the professor, saying governments could even require “a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk.”
Eventually, humans will merge with technology and become one with it, according to Schwab. “At the end, what the Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities,” he declared at a speech at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and many since then. And he means it, too.
When I read things like this Revelation 13 seems to come into a clearer focus.
Will the future beast of the tribulation use this technology? No one knows for certain. But what I do know is the beast will be a globalist for he will want global domination. So the odds are remarkably high that he will utilize whatever is available to him.
In closing, a friend of mine recently pointed out the uncanny ability of popular movies depicting future events or things that seem to come true. No, I’m not being weird or losing my mind. But consider this. In 2017 a movie came out starring Tom Cruise titled, “The Minority Report”.
Here is a summary of the storyline from www.imbd.com
“In the year 2054 A.D. crime is virtually eliminated from Washington D.C. thanks to an elite law enforcing squad “Precrime”. They use three gifted humans (called “Pre-Cogs”) with special powers to see into the future and predict crimes beforehand. John Anderton heads Precrime and believes the system’s flawlessness steadfastly. However one day the Pre-Cogs predict that Anderton will commit a murder himself in the next 36 hours. Worse, Anderton doesn’t even know the victim. He decides to get to the mystery’s core by finding out the ‘minority report’ which means the prediction of the female Pre-Cog Agatha that “might” tell a different story and prove Anderton innocent.”
I know this is just a science fiction fantasy movie. But when we compare the storyline of the movie with the article at harbinger’s daily, it is a little uncanny.
The good news is the believer’s who are alive at the rapture will not undergo the terror and horrors of the tribulation.
“Maranatha” (our Lord come).